Gravity Works...Yeah Science!

When it comes to your life, "gravitational pull" is not just a term for astronomy. Yep, I'm totally serious. This applies to your life, and you don't have to know a thing about constellations, the Hubble telescope, or a supernova (but those are all pretty awesome things, so I'd recommend a fair Google exploration of the aforementioned topics). This supernova tho In case a guidance counselor wasn't in your corner growing up, or you're at a point in your life where you're reassessing where you need to be and you really want to eventually do what you love, gravitate to what you like. I'm not talking about the magnetic pull to your couch and binge watching Breaking Bad episodes for the umpteenth time so you can convince yourself it was for research for a YouTube channel about reviewing the finer TV shows. I've had that idea too, and I'm on to you. Science, bitch Since you're serious about committing to doing what you...