Skynet is Self-Aware, and So Am I

Chances are if you understood that reference, you and I are going to get along just fine in life.

That is, of course, unless the real Skynet has come to pass and turns the earth into a smoldering core of rubble and ash and James Cameron sends technologically advanced second units out to film stunt doubles darting out of the way as bullets and fire collide.

But in case you didn't catch that reference, Skynet is artificial intelligence that became self-aware in Terminator 2: Judgement Day, one of the best movies ever.

*ominous doo-doo-do-do-do sound effect*

And it caused a bunch of mayhem, leading to the destruction of the world and a nuclear holocaust.

Seriously- kids got vaporized. On swing sets. And Linda Hamilton's skeleton got fried. It was a whole thing.

But before you freak out over possible spoilers, you need to understand this is Terminator 2. If you haven't seen this by now, you need to re-prioritize your life.


I'm just saying that Skynet is a name that might not jump out at you right away. But the fact is that this seemingly little plot detail is what made the entire movie go into motion (and why badass extraordinaire AHNOLD and his ever-present array of assault weapons made a killing- you bet your ass, pun intended- at the box office) and what brings me here today.

Skynet became self aware, and so did I, today. I became aware that I'm a little storm cloud.

More often than not I'm being noticed in the day time for dressing in black and keeping to myself. I recently conducted an experiment in the corporate workplace setting that lead me to these findings. (Just a heads up, black is sleek and is easy to match.)

But I'm okay with that.

I know the world cannot function with just bright, happy people. That would be a world with just gameshow hosts.

I'll take Prozac for 800, Alex.

The world needs some darkness in it, and when I realized that, that's when I became okay with being me. Light is an amazing thing, but there is a lot of art and creativity that comes from darkness. Because think about would you appreciate light without darkness? OOOOHHHHHH SNAPPP SSSSOOOOONNNNNN

My favorite musician Amy Lee orchestrates light out of darkness

I'm going to be okay with who and how I am and I want everyone out there to understand that people will try to shape you into a version of someone that they want you to be. Just be careful of who that is- you were created to make some improvements, and that's okay. Trying to better yourself is always a good thing if you want it.

But if you are constantly being pressured to change into someone you're not, pump the breaks and stay strong. You're okay being you. Even Mr. Rogers likes you just the way you are.

Seriously the best guy ever

Keep your chin up and be okay with who you are. The world is a huge place. There is enough room for a person like you in it. The world needs people like you in it for all of the amazing things that are going to happen next.

And so do I, because you read this blog. I, for one, am really glad you're here :)

"Have you seen this boy?" Okay, I had to.


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